Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Waiting Game

We're days away from making that most exciting trip down to the airport, and I am beyond excited. But the waiting is killing me. There's already been three cancelled flights, and we don't know what's going on or when he'll be able to get on a plane. Hurry up and wait!

I can see why last deployment he kept it a secret and just called me from ATL two hours before I needed to be at the airport, lol. Part of me wishes he could do that again, but it's just not possible with Mini Sarge. I can't get everything ready that fast and get out the door.

I scurried to get the house ready two days ago, thinking that maybe that first flight was going to happen, but I should have known better, ha. That's the super-planner in me. I will say, my disappointment wasn't too great. I know better, when dealing with the Army, not to get my hopes up.

So, please, dear Air Force, get your planes together and get my husband home soon. Because I'm going crazy waiting!

Kiss kiss, 

Friday, May 13, 2011


Yay! I don't have a number of days yet, not that I could tell you anyway, but it's less than two weeks until I see Sarge! YAY!

I have that wedding this weekend, which, has become less and less appealing as the time approaches. I'm really looking forward to getting it over with. And so thankful my friend can come with me to help manage Mini-Sarge. She is such a life saver. It's going to be a long day on Saturday, though. Wedding is at 5pm, and it's 2 hours away. So, the earliest we'll be getting home is 8:30-9. :/ <-- my excited about the wedding face, lol. If I had known the time before I agreed to be a bridesmaid, I would have said no. After this, all I can say is, my friend better not complain to me that I never participate in any of her events/parties.

So close, yet so far. That's how I feel today. Lots of things that I want to do in preparation of him being here, still, but I don't want to do them yet. I know next week, I'll be going crazy trying to keep busy and not think about it, so perhaps I'll save it for then.
Ugh, and I guess with all my deep cleaning I've been doing, I've awoken all the house spiders. I've killed 7 or 8 in the last two or three days. I hate spiders. They give me the creeps. My cats are supposed to help kill them, but they must be on strike or something, because the most they've been doing is playing with them. 
I want to eradicate those spiders. I can't really spray though, so that kind of makes it difficult.

Some bad news this past week from Sarge. It seems that the new job he took that test for isn't going to happen. We're hoping a new opportunity surfaces sometime in the near future. I wouldn't mind staying in the area (most of my excitement over the new job was moving, haha), but, I told him if we're going to be stuck here, I would like to buy a house. I don't see the point of handing over all our BAH for this dinky house that I'm not allowed to paint or make changes to.
We'll see what happens, though. Neither of us can really control it. Gotta roll with what we're given.

Anywho, I have a few moments left of Mini-Sarge's nap, so I'm going to go sit and relax.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Ding Dong!

Osama is dead.
That's good news. I would have taken captured alive and left in prison to rot, but this works.

I've seen a lot of people posting that they can't celebrate his death, because it feels wrong to them. I say, when you're mass murdering fsk head, it's deserved. He was not a good person, and the world is better with him gone.

I'm not sure what it'll mean for our troops. Things are either a) going to get easier, and the insurgents will be backing off a bit, or b) the insurgents will start retaliating. However, as I read earlier, if the retaliation isn't planned well, it's not really going to lead to much for them anyway. I guess my biggest concern is, who was number two? Who is going to take over his role in this terrorist organization? Some times that second-in-command is worse than the guy who was there before.
I guess we'll see what happens. I am glad that there is some justice being served to all those who have lost someone since September 11th. Maybe some peace can finally find it's way into their hearts. It sucks that it took so long to find him, but I hope now that we have, some healing can finally begin.

And as I posted on my Facebook page last night: High five, America!