I realized today that when my husband is home, I feel thin. But when he's gone, and the days pass without real contact with other adults, I start to lose the battle of my perception of how much I weigh. It's not that he's overweight, but he is bigger than me. He is wider than me. He is taller than me. And when he hugs me, I feel tiny. When he's not here... I feel like a whale, lol.
So, I've started the Shred again (Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, for those who don't know what I'm talking about--faithful readers, you might remember that I attempted this in January or February of this year). I've actually stuck with it a lot longer than my previous attempts. I think I only made it 12 days on level 1 the last time before I hurt myself, did it one more time, and gave up. I have a new plan of action this time, and it's going well. :) I do three days on, one day off. And so far, have made it to 15 days of working out, with no injuries! And, the kicker, have made it to the second level. lol It's like a video game in that sense. Muuuust, make it... to... the next.... level!!! (<-The inner gamer inside, pushing me forward).
I did have to downgrade my weights from a set of 5lb to a set of 3lb weights. No shame though! I can finally keep up, and my arms are still tired. ;)
I've seen some progress. Nothing crazy, but I feel significantly less flabby, even though I've gained a few pounds (It's muscle! It HAS to be!). My new shorts that I bought a month ago fit better--not so snug these days! I definitely have more energy, and my moods have improved. Mini Sarge and I play more.
Now... if only the heat will die off, and we can begin taking walks again. Possibly jogs.... maybe. Ha.
Speaking of... someone is awake from his nap. Fingers crossed that I continue to do well with this, and reach my goal of being total sexy-sauce when Sarge gets back in a few months. ;)