Friday, January 21, 2011

Where did you go, sleep?

I miss you.
You have been MIA for almost a year now. With a random pop in here and there. You're such a tease. I need you to either stay, or stop coming around. It's not fair to let me get used to you being here, and then you disappear for a few weeks. Jerk.

Sarge's mini-me was sleeping really good for about a week. I mean, really good. Eleven to twelve hours at a time with no peeps. It was the first break from my insomnia that I've had since I was about seven months pregnant. But, as soon as I got comfortable getting a nice stretch of sleep, he started waking up several times a night again. F you, Murphy. Seriously.
I can only assume it's more teeth. Either way, it's not fair. My dark circles just started to go away... and now they're back, laughing at me. >/

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