Saturday, June 11, 2011

I'm Leeeaving, on a Jet Plane

Don't know when I'll be back again...

Except, that I do know when. Ha.
Ah, le sigh. R&R is over and we are back to being a sporting two-some rather than our complete three-some. Only about 4.5-5 months left though, so it's not so bad.

This was probably the best of all the R&Rs we've shared together. It felt like it lasted a lot longer, which I attribute to not traveling. Everyone says that if you stay home, it flies by. But after doing both, I think it seems to last longer if you do not spend a week+ traveling around. And, it's a lot less stressful. Vacations, for me at least, always seem to be more stressful than they are fun.
We got a lot of things done while Sarge was here. His mother and grandmother were here for Mini Sarge's birthday, so we still got to see some family, even without the 8-9 hour drive, haha.Sarge managed to tackle everything on my "honey-do list" (that he asked me to make, btw!) First, included building me a bench for our back porch. Which, he had to do in two days, lol.

We also bought a new grill, and he assembled the fire pit I bought him (seen above if you look hard enough). He got the trees out front pruned before the party, too--they desperately needed it.  They are no longer attacking the siding and gutters of our house.

The big thing while he was here was Mini-Sarge's birthday party. I had a blast planning it, and I was glad that every one had fun. Here is a cake picture. Lil man didn't take very long to destroy that thing.

Here is our big gift! I was going to rent a bounce house for his party, but soon realized that I might as well buy him one instead. He can enjoy this for years to come!

Another thing I had Sarge do was build a splash table. All Mini Sarge wants to do in his pool anymore is splash, so why not give him something specifically for that, right? It's a lot safer, too. I was on panic mode for a while with the pool. He about fell in every time he leaned over to splash. And this cost us $10. They sell at the store for $40-70. He doesn't need all the toys on those, he just wants to splash, lol. This works great! 

We did do a little traveling. One day, we decided to go to the zoo. It wasn't a long visit. I think we were only there for about an hour or so before we entered melt-down mode and had to leave. This is about the time where I think Sarge started to realize what I've been trying to tell him for months: Mini Sarge is not an easy going baby. Ha. In fact, after this visit, and the night before when we tried to go to dinner, and I ended up pacing the restaurant the whole hour (after a bowl of soup was poured in my lap, too!) while everyone else ate, Sarge threw out all the plans he had to do stuff and decided we'd just stay home and keep him happy. 

The biggest news while daddy was home is that we started walking! Two days after his birthday, lil man finally let go of my hand and took off. It's only been about a week since then, and he is a pro!

And here is a picture of the three of us together. One big happy family. Can't wait to be together again. :)


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