Saturday, July 16, 2011


I feel so stupid. Why does the thought of me dropping Mini-Sarge off at daycare so I can make a doctor's appointment for myself make me want to cry? I'm already stubborn enough as is it when it comes to going to the doctor, add in having to schedule him in at hourly care/finding a sitter, and you might as well fuhgeddaboudit.

I really can't explain it. It makes sense, to just schedule the appointment, get him a slot in daycare, go to my appointment, and carry on. But I don't know if I can leave him there. It's hard enough to leave him with a friend. I wonder if I would feel better if I hired a sitter for a few hours, so he could at least be in his own house.
That's even more ridiculous, isn't it? lol

I wish he was super easy and would sit there and be quiet, and he could just come with me. :(

Why does being a mommy have to be so hard? I wish I got along with my mom and she lived in the area. Or maybe if my mother-in-law lived in the area. Or I had friends w/o kids that I trusted to come over. Have plenty of friends with kids... but, I feel bad pushing another on them, lol. 

Hating this. :/ It's stupid that I can deal with my husband being away and all sorts of other crazy crap that drives people nuts, but I can't stand the thought of daycare for a few hours.  There must be something wrong with my brain, one way or the other.

1 comment:

  1. Hourly daycare with the CDC is completely, completely safe and little Sarge will have a blast. If I could use the CDC, I might take a couple hours to myself once every six months or so. I won't even take the girls to my mother in laws.

    I used to work for the CDC, Heather. Caregivers are trained very well and tested, there are a load of SOP's, and one caregiver is never alone in a room with the kids. There are also cameras EVERYWHERE! People who work in the hourly and infant rooms are the happiest of the workers at the CDC.


