Today actually started out pretty well, and I had high hopes for an excellent Friday. We didn't get out of bed until 8. Nap one of the day was not a fight. I got my super cute skirt on that I haven't been able to wear in quite some time. I had a roast in the crock pot, so cooking wasn't going to be an issue later. The line at the post office was relatively short, and Mini Sarge tolerated over an hour at my SIL's house with not a single tear, fuss or whine. Oh, and it reached 82 today. Fantastic weather, baby was in a good mood. I was living the life.
At 3, when I went to turn the crock pot to "high," I realized it hadn't been plugged in all day.
Around 4, I decided that we would take advantage of the nice weather and go outside to the park behind our house. I had all the windows open, because it was so gorgeous, and thought I was being smart by closing the door to my room off from the dog (she has this annoying habit of jumping on my bed and knocking all the pillows off to see what I'm doing outside, whether she can see me out that window or not). Mini Sarge was actually starting to warm up to the swing, when out of the corner of my eye, I caught her. By the time I got him out of the swing and walked back to our fence, she had escaped, and left this in her wake
She literally dug her way out of the house. And she was quite proud of herself. She didn't realize she was in trouble until the third or fourth time I shouted "Into the kennel!!!" And she stayed there, for about an hour.
5, we sat down for Mini Sarge's dinner. I was not going to eat with him, because I still hadn't figured out an alternative to my roast. So, we get down two jars of food, and a few of the Gerber brand finger foods. I had just rinsed out the jar and tossed it into the recycling box, and turn around just in time to catch him spewing everything he'd eaten since about 12:30 today. (I only know because there were french fries, which he had at SIL's).
I am not a fan of vomit.
I got him cleaned up, checked his temperature, fearing he was sick... but he was normal. I chalked it up to too much physical activity before dinner. Then, I changed my also vomit covered clothing, and resumed playing with him on the floor.
6, we went to take his bath. He threw up some water he'd drank just before, so I was still weary about how his tummy was. Bath was going good. He was actually splashing and having fun. Then, oh yes, he pooped in the tub (for the 32nd time, btw).
7, I attempted to give him a bottle before bed... but he only took two ounces, so I expect him to be up tonight around midnight (which, is about an hour after I'll get to bed) hungry.
Where is my stunt double?
Remember to link him to this when he's 13 and becoming a pain! lol