The view from my front door yesterday.
It's gorgeous, don't get me wrong. It's beautiful outside and it's a nice break from all the dead plants. I admit that I need green stuff around to feel good. I'm definitely one of those people who get the winter blues. But despite how pretty it is, I'm still sitting here, missing my man more than I was a few days ago. All because of some snow. I know, right?
I spent my first "real" snow with him in Michigan. You know, the kind that leaves at least a foot on the ground for months at a time. And even approaching 30, he still LOVES to play in it. So when he's home, it's fun. When he's gone and it snows... I want to wrap myself up in ten blankets and hibernate.
Mini-sarge is not at a cuddling age, nor an age where he can do much other than sit in the snow and stare at me, seeming to be wondering what the hell is going on and why I have him sitting on the ground with his butt cheeks freezing (not that I have the winter gear necessary for him to be out there. I mean, serious, we don't get more than an inch or two, ever, and it almost always melts by the next day. I was soooo not prepared for this). So both of my usual go-tos for the snow are out the window. No one to play with. No one to cuddle with. :/
Is it spring yet?
Spring you can come cuddle with me! Maybe there will still be snow up here! XD