Friday, February 25, 2011

We've Conquered the Holidays!

I just realized that we've passed the last big holiday. Now I can look forward to them again. Even though it's eight months from now. >.> 1/3 of this thing is done with though. That is what matters. :)

Sarge did good this year with his Valentine's Day gifts. He steered clear of flowers and jewelry. Those are cop out gifts and require no thought. Besides, why would I want you to spend $50+ on a bouquet that is just going to die anyway? And, no need to buy me something that I can't wear all the time anyway (babies + jewelry = nono, in case you didn't know this already).

The puzzle was a pain in the ass... but it was still cute. :) And, I love the shirt. He got mad that the package the puzzle came in had what was printed on it... but, that was the only thing I had to go on. I've never put a puzzle together w/o the picture before. And there were at least 20 plain red pieces. x.x

Oh well. :) It was sweet. And I can rock a recycling shirt now. I think I'll wear it the next time I take our recyclables down, so long as it's warm enough.

Um, that snow was the last of it, really. I think it got icky but didn't stick. Then, we had a week of 60 degrees and higher. Then, back to being cold. And yesterday, two tornadoes dropped in the area. Gotta love this area. Keeps you on your toes.

I think that's all the updating I have in me today. Mini-sarge is going through this I-don't-need-to-sleep thing again, and it's wearing me out.



  1. Hey, some of us like flowers even if they die. ;P

  2. I didn't say I didn't like them ever. I just think they're a lame Vday gift.
