Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Letdown

I think it's an innate flaw in women that we plan too much. And when all the planning is completed, especially so when the task itself is completed, and the result is not what we had hoped for, for whatever reason that might be, whether it was out of our control or not, we are left with this deep feeling of being let down on some level.

I love to plan. Oh, do I love to plan. Dinners. Trips. Surprise care packages. Romantic evenings. Parties. You name it, I love to figure out all the details. And for the most part, if those plans never lead to anything, I'm cool with that. But, once they get put into play, there is no turning back. If it doesn't happen, I am going to feel the deep sting of disappointment.

I'm not a put things together the day of kind of person either. If I'm planning something, unless it's forced on me last minute, there is at least a week worth of preparation involved. That's a lot of build up when stuff falls through.

I guess the worst, for me at least, is cancellations at the last minute. Plan is thought out, almost completed, and then *bam* all your efforts are in vain, because it ain't happening anymore. When people are planning on coming over, I make the effort to get the whole house clean the day they are supposed to be over (I have pets, they shed, I try not to make people sit and walk in their filth. They are my pets, not yours, I don't expect you to love their fur all over you), make sure I'm dressed and have makeup on, and have a good meal cooking when they get here. I really, really HATE when I've done all that, and then am left with a whole pot roast to myself. :/

I suppose the only way to avoid it, is to not plan and just go with the flow. But, I don't think I can do that. I'm too Type A. So, I guess I should just expect to be let down half the time, and enjoy the times when things do go the way they are planned to. And do my very best to avoid causing others the hassle of being let down. All easier said than done, though.
