And not just any box. I don't want to see any irregular shaped ones. It needs to be a rectangular shape. I'm talking 90 degree angles only, here, people! No parallelograms, trapezoids, or any other hard-to-wrap shape. God forbid it be a circle.
I've been wrapping Christmas gifts tonight. I think the toy companies are out to get us parents. I haven't wrapped one yet that was "normal." I think the toy stores should have a shelve of boxes, labeled, that correspond with certain toys. On your way, you just pick up the marked boxes, and be on your way. With an older child, this would be even more fun, because you could wrap the box with 10 rolls of duct tape before you put the wrapping paper on it. That'll teach them to pick the weird shaped gift. ;)
In other news, I be sick. Blah. Of all the things that have happened to me, being an incapacitated mommy to a 6 month old while your spouse is gone, is definitely one of the more challenging things I've had to over come. I found myself today wishing he were a few months older, a toddler even, who could feed and entertain himself with minimal effort from myself. And, of course, he's teething, which means he wants me to hold him all day... but not sit and hold him, I have to be mobile otherwise the fuss-monster emerges and I'm back to square one.
Any takers? Just for a day or two while I get over this crud. Hell, I've even let you stay here, eat my food, drink my beer (after he's asleep), control the tv. I just need to take my medicine and sleeeeep.
Days like this make me really miss David. I don't normally think about it--him being gone, but I really couldn't help it today. Even if I just sent him out to run errands (the dog will be out of food in the morning >.>), or get up with him in the middle of the night---Heh, it's funny how your marriage will change. Last deployment, I wanted him home because I was lonely and didn't want to sleep by myself, this time I want him home to pawn the kid off on. XD
Honestly, I try my best not to complain about him being away. I've found that it really does no good, and only makes things worse. And it makes me look like a whiny bitch, ha. I've "unliked' a few spouse/girlfriend pages on Facebook this week because that's basically all the girls on there do. And if I hear one more Marine/AF girl complain about a 7 or 4 month deployment, I'll pull my hair out. I realize it's a bonding thing, really I do--I've been there. Get together with other people in your situation... but holy hell. There are other things to talk about. And complaining is not productive at all. I also can't take the ignorant comments and the drama. So, ta ta, ladies. Good luck.
I think it's about time I retire to bed. After a good dose of sinus medication first, though. I have a feeling this will end with me going to the doctor... but I'm going to avoid that as long as possible. I hate, hate, hate going up there. And the pharmacy is hell. I'd almost rather get the script, and pay the co-pay at WalGreens, ha. Oye.
I just had to stop reading some of those army wife pages the last few days. I was about to strangle some of those women. Get better, Vchanny! Love you! <3