Thursday, December 2, 2010


What an interesting string of days I've had. 

By the way, I meant to add this some where before, I will do my best not to turn this into one of those "look at my kid!" blogs. I can't promise most of my posts won't involve him (he is my little companion, after all), but I will not bore you with our day-to-day happenings, or what he ate, or whatever. That's what Sarge's daily email is for. Nor will I fill this with pictures. That is what Facebook is for.

Now that my disclaimer of sorts is out of the way...

I've always considered myself to be a nice, caring person. But, honestly, never really felt like I got much out of it other than my own satisfaction (which, is enough for me. I don't need a reward or a pat on the back to be helpful and kind). But the past few weeks, I really have felt like my good karma has been catching up with me.

One day a few weeks ago, I had two separate sets of people help me at the grocery store. One lady helped me get my son into his mei tai carrier that I'd never used before; the next insisted to unload my cart onto the checkout lane. Yesterday, instead of jumping in front of me in line at the post office, this very kind man, helped me shift my things down the counter as I filled out customs forms (do NOT get me started on the *new* forms). I got finished as soon as I got to the front of the line! When I looked back, there were literally 20 people behind him. I was floored. Most people don't care about anyone but themselves, especially at the post office. And today, I was at the pharmacy in the hospital, trying to pick up some medication for my son, and the wait was redonkulous (more so than usual, I should say. I don't think I've ever made it out of there in less than forty minutes). They were on ticket 37 when I walked in. I was number 68. After fifteen minutes, a lady next to me, gave me her ticket, because she had to be somewhere. She was number 50. It was one of the nicest things ever. I don't know what would have happened if we'd had to sit there that entire time (try sitting still with a baby for an hour or so!). We were called up a few minutes later, and on our way. And yes, I did pay it forward--I gave the lady next to me my ticket, which was six or so people in front of her own. 

I don't know if it's good karma shining on me, but it is a reminder that not everyone is an asshole.

Or, it could just be that I look pitiful jumbling groceries/other items, a 20 lb diaper bag, and a baby around... but who knows? lol

More later. Today was a long, stressful mommy-brain kind of day (medication was left at the hospital, and we had to go all the way back, only to lose his new hat while we were there... ugh!). And the babe (who, I need to come up with a blog nickname for), has been rolling over in his sleep and demanding I roll him back 10+ times a night, so I'm extra tired. Off to bed! 

1 comment:

  1. Pay It Forward day just came late for you. You always do amazing things for people and its about time you got some of that back. :)
